The holiday season is may be over, but here in Charlotte, there are still many cold months ahead before we can go back outdoors. You may not have to worry about pests outside, but the winter is when pests that have hidden away in your walls in the fall start to make their presence known. As the warmth of your home disrupts their natural hibernation instinct, pests emerge looking for food and can cause quite the fright to homeowners. Here is a list of some of the pests commonly found in homes in the winter.
Bats are mammals, and like most mammals, bats hibernate in the winter. If they can’t find a natural cave, hole, or crack, they can get into attics, chimneys, and other small spaces in our homes. As humans destroy their habitat, bats are becoming more and more of a problem inside homes. Bats are not destructive mammals such as mice or rats. It’s their droppings, or guano, that cause the issues. Bat guano can stain walls, ceilings, and floors. The moisture can damage drywall and breed nasty bacteria. If you have bats in your home, it is highly recommended to call a professional pest control expert immediately.
The most common pest that sneaks into our Charlotte homes in the winter is the mouse. Mice are mammals that need to find warm places to spend the winter. But unlike bats, mice do not hibernate in the winter and spend the season foraging for food. If your home is not sealed correctly, they can gain entry. They love to build nests in dark areas like basements, attics, and crawlspaces. Mice may look all cute and innocent, but this little pest can cost you a lot of money in repairs. Mice are also known to spread diseases and parasites like Salmonella and tapeworms. To prevent mice from getting into your home this winter, survey the exterior of your house and check for entry points and remember, mice can squeeze through an opening the size of a dime.
Brown Recluse Spiders
Brown recluse spiders are shy but one of the most deadly spiders in the world and the second most deadly in the United States. Recluse spiders can be identified by the violin-shaped marking on their abdomen. They usually remain hidden during the day and emerge at night searching for food. Brown recluse spiders construct their webs in places with the least amount of human activity, such as attics and basements. They are not aggressive creatures but will bite if they feel threatened. The bite of a brown recluse is renowned for its pain ability to kill skin cells in the affected area. Symptoms of a brown recluse bite include swelling, fever, joint pain, chills, faintness, and seizures.
Winter can be tough on cockroaches. While cockroaches have adapted to thrive in warm temperatures, they are cold-blooded insects and cannot survive too cold environments. That is why they seek shelter in our homes in the winter. Cockroaches are active year-round in your home and are attracted to moisture and excess water. Check your basement pipes for leaks or moisture and repair quickly. Store food in airtight containers and keep your kitchen clean of food scraps. Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink and vacuum regularly. Clean under sinks, in stoves, and behind appliances and empty the trash before it starts to smell.
Protect Your Charlotte Area Home With Residential Pest Control This Winter
Pests can be quite a nuisance in our homes in the winter. If you suspect you have little intruders in your home, call the professionals at Cramer Pest Control. We have years of experience dealing with pests of all shapes and sizes in both North and South Carolina. If you want to protect your home from spring pests this year, ask about our residential pest control program.
Own a business? Our Commercial Pest Control program can save your small business from being overrun with pests.
Don’t wait for the problem to get out of control. Call us now at (704) 763-0204. In South Carolina? Call us at (803) 802-7540. You can also contact us here for more information. And for more pest control tips and tricks, check out our monthly blog.
Winter Pests You Could Be Sharing Your Home With in North Carolina and South Carolina
Protecting North Carolina and South Carolina