With 2020 right around the corner, it’s a great time to get a head start on your pest control. A great new year’s resolution is to finally achieve a rodent-free home. No more mice or rats finding their way into your home. 2020 can be the year of rodent control. Here are a few tips to get you started with your rodent-free 2020.

Do You Have a Rodent Infestation?

If you want to have a rodent-free 2020, then you’ll need to get a baseline reading on your rodent situation. First, inspect your home for rodent activity. Some of the obvious signs are hearing them in the walls or even seeing a mouse run across the kitchen floor. Even if you don’t hear or see a rodent, that doesn’t mean your home is rodent-free. Here are a few signs that you might have a rodent infestation.
A rodent-free 2020 means you wont have to deal with mice chewing on your boxes all year.

Signs of a Rodent Infestation Include:

  • Chewed fabric, cardboard, or food containers.
  • Stale smell in the attic, basement, crawlspace, or pantry.
  • Small droppings in the kitchen, attic, basement, or crawlspace.
  • Nesting materials like pieces of chewed cardboard, ripped fabric, or shredded paper.

What Do Rodents Eat?

Rodents, like mice and rats, are opportunistic omnivores. This means they aren’t picky about what food they eat. Rodents will snack on plant foods, meat, and everything in between. It’s common to find rodents in and around the kitchen because they will gladly eat anything you have.

Common Rodent Snacks Include:

  • Grains, seeds, and nuts.
  • Bread and crackers.
  • Cheese.
  • Peanut butter.
  • Fruit and vegetables.
  • Pet food.
  • And so much more.

A great way to keep rodents from infesting your home in 2020 is to better manage the food in your home. Any food that gets left out becomes an easy target for a hungry mouse or rat. The same goes for messes, spills, and crumbs. Properly store your food in sealed containers to avoid feeding rodents. Clean up any spills and messes immediately. Don’t store rice, cereal, or pet food on the ground unless they are in properly sealed containers. Pet food is a very common target for rodents so make sure you seal it in a plastic or metal container. It’s also a good idea to avoid leaving pet food out overnight.

How Do Rodents Get Into the House?

Mice and rats, like us, would rather spend the winter inside. The cooler temperatures and harsher environment make finding food and shelter more challenging. Your home offers them a consistent supply of food and water in an environment safe from predators. All they have to do is get inside.

Rodents are famous for squeezing through tight gaps. Mice can squeeze through a gap as small as 7mm. Not only can they utilize the smallest holes, but they are also skilled at making the holes. Mice and rats have strong teeth and jaws, enabling them to chew through many different materials. Cardboard, siding, sheetrock, wood, drywall, and even concrete.

Inspect your home for potential access points around the exterior of your home and seal them off. If you can block the rodents from getting inside, then half the battle is already over. Use wire mesh to seal off cracks, gaps, and holes around your home.

What’s the Best Rodent Control?

If you want a rodent-free 2020, then investing in the best rodent control is a must. Indoor pest control from Cramer Pest Control will protect your home from hungry, opportunistic rodents. Don’t let the mice and rats take over your home, call the experts at Cramer Pest Control.

For more information on how you can have a rodent-free 2020, call us at (704) 763-0204 or contact us here. Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our news, tips, and deals.

Rodent-Free 2020: How To Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution in North Carolina and South Carolina

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