8 Amusing Facts About Termites

8 Amusing Facts About Termites

Homeowners beware – spring is coming, and spring is termite season. On average, termites wreak havoc on over 600,000 homes per year, causing over $5 billion in damages. One single infestation can end up costing you over $3,000 alone! As the weather warms up termites...
4 Common Household Rodents In South Carolina

4 Common Household Rodents In South Carolina

The later we get into the winter season, the more active rodents become. This is because their food sources are diminishing, and they need to venture out to find more food to survive these colder months. As a result, the chances of you seeing, or hearing one of these...
5 Things You Need To Know About Cockroaches

5 Things You Need To Know About Cockroaches

They’re scary, they’re disgusting, and when we find them in our homes we do whatever it takes to get rid of cockroaches. But these little creatures have adapted in ways most other species have not. Cockroaches have one ultimate goal, survival, and they have some very...
DIY Bug Trap

DIY Bug Trap

We spend a lot of money every year trying to kill, prevent, and repel bugs and it can get pretty expensive. Why not try out a DIY bug trap? Homemade bug traps are cheap and can actually be made with items found around your house. The Bottle Trap A simple yet effective...
Most Dangerous Spiders in North Carolina

Most Dangerous Spiders in North Carolina

  There are over 1,500 spider species in North Carolina but before you burn your house down and move out of the state, keep reading. Not all of the spiders that live here are dangerous. Yes, all spiders produce some level of poison but not all are harmful to...
Looking For The Perfect Gift? Try The Gift of a Pest Free Home

Looking For The Perfect Gift? Try The Gift of a Pest Free Home

  Are you still scrambling to find that gift for someone who has everything? It’s hard to buy for certain people. You don’t know what they want, what they like, or what size they wear. But there’s one thing everyone can agree on, and that’s keeping pests out of...
6 Giveaway Signs Of Mice In Your Home

6 Giveaway Signs Of Mice In Your Home

You think you may have mice in your home, but you’re not sure. One night you heard squeaks and scratches in your walls… The other night you could have sworn you saw one dash from the pantry and into the basement. It’s around this time that you ask yourself the...
Bed Bug Season

Bed Bug Season

South Carolina and North Carolina hurricane season are almost over but bed bug season has begun. Hurricanes produce high winds and damage to homes helping bed bugs transfer to warm and dry places for a haven. Thus, it is so important to spot these bed bugs after the...
3 Places Pests Go To Hide In Your Home This Winter

3 Places Pests Go To Hide In Your Home This Winter

With winter right around the corner and the temperature starting to drop, we begin to spend less time outside, and more time inside where it is warm, comfortable, and cozy. Unfortunately, we are not the only ones looking to stay warm this winter. There are...
Fleas: Fighting Them In The Winter

Fleas: Fighting Them In The Winter

Winter is fast approaching signaling the annual purge of everything creepy-crawly. Before you let your guard down and think you don’t have to worry about fleas until next spring, think again. Fleas may not be a problem outside but if fleas are already inside your...